Lebanon Poetry Collection

Authors from all over the world share their thoughts and feelings about Lebanon


Rima Nasrallah
Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, Near East School of Theology (NEST), Beirut, 02.12.2024

War sells. In movies, games or books, war stories and scenarios are exciting and popular. They cause adrenaline rush and connect us with heroes against villains. War is a page turner and often becomes addictive and makes for a fascinating history lesson.

However, when war suddenly erupts in real life, it has a very different effect. It pierces our life and puts everything in question. It haunts our dreams and sits under our skin. The experience of war often seeks an artistic channel of expression as it surpasses logic and cannot be contained with words alone.

It is with this realization that this work has come to light. Individuals from various backgrounds came face to face with war and injustice. They pondered the concept of home, the power of words, and the inconsistencies of life. They search for meaning, memories and ways to deal with loss.  And with this collection of poems, they hope to offer grace to the context of injustice.

I am deeply appreciative of this creative project born out of love for place and people. Though its initiators passed only briefly in Lebanon, they have clearly engaged with it at a much deeper level than anticipated. I hope all those who will read these lines will get a taste of the beauty and the pain as they mix in these experiences. 


Silke Schmidt & Tabea Schünemann

Initiators and editors of the Lebanon Poetry Project, contributors, bloggers

Im September 2023 kam eine Gruppe Studierender und PfarrerInnen in der Studienzeit an die Near East School of Theology (NEST). Wir sollten teils bis zu einem Jahr bleiben. Dann kam der 7. Oktober und alles änderte sich. Doch eines änderte sich nicht: die Menschen und ihre Gaben. Zwei von uns fanden im Laufe ihres kurzen Aufenthaltes heraus, dass sie eines gemeinsam hatten: das Schreiben.

Darin liegen die Ursprünge dieses Projektes… Mehr

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